Message from Mike

Spring is such a great time of the year.  The weather is getting warmer and so everything is waking up from its long winter’s nap.  The trees and flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and the grass is getting greener.  (I knw, you are suffering from allergies and thinking about having to mow that green grass but spring is still a nice time of year.)

This is also the time of year when we celebrate Easter, the most important celebration of all for Christians.  Because Jesus died on the cross, was buried in a borrowed tomb and rose from the dead we can have freedom from our sin and an abundant life now and forevermore (John 10:10).

Sometimes we allow our spiritual life to slip into a “season of winter” so we need a fresh encounter with the risen Savior.  Come join us as we celebrate the new life that is available in Christ and allow Him to help you experience “spring” in your soul.

Call me if I can help. 

Information on our debt as of  March 29th:

  • Church Debt: The Building Fund is down to $75,000
  • Total from Can Recycling – $1,801.99
  • Pennies for Providence – $703.39



We will be working the concession stand at the Powell Farms Machinery Auction Saturday May 16th. We need people to set up, serve, clean up, and cook. If you can give a couple of hours, or the whole day to help out, sign up at the church or see Betsy Moore. The more hands we have the less work for everyone!

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Congratulations to the Youth for a fantastic Easter Play!!!  Also, thanks to the many adults that helped the youth with the powerful presentation.

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G.A.'s Shoebox Ministry

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